In the world of Fullmetal Alchemist, those who can perform alchemy, also known as Alchemists, seem to possess immense superpowers. They can shoot fiery flames from their fingers, build multistory walls in a matter of seconds, and conjure up swords, spears, and even cannons from the ground, to name just a few examples.
Seeing how easily they can bend the laws of nature, the question arises: are they the chosen ones or can anyone learn to be an alchemist? Are alchemical abilities something you're born with, like the Gifts in My Hero Academia, or is it something you can learn, like the concept of Nen in Hunter x Hunter?
Between Science and Magic
In the world of Fullmetal Alchemist, Alchemy really sits between science and magic. In fact, to be an alchemist, you need to be extremely well-versed in many conventional scientific areas, such as mathematics, physics, and most important of all, chemistry.
After all, Alchemy works according to the three basic principles: Understanding, Deconstruction and Reconstruction. Alchemists must be able to immediately Understand the molecular structure of an object before Deconstructing that object and then Rebuilding it into a completely new object. This process requires a deep understanding of Advanced Chemistry and Molecular Science, among other things.
Furthermore, this energy needs to be channeled through a Transmutation Circle to perform an alchemical process. Needless to say, different applications require different types of Transmutation Circles. That's why this part of the equation is very similar to magic.
Within the soul of every living being, there is a portal-like structure known as the Portal of Truth. This portal is adorned with beautiful engravings that cover the entire portal. The size and design of the portal varies from person to person. After all, the portal is carved through individual knowledge and experience in life.
However, it is worth highlighting the fact that no one can see this portal. The overwhelming majority of people do not even know about the existence of this portal within them. The only people who have a chance to see this portal are those who commit the ultimate sin in Alchemy, which is Human Transmutation. This is why only the Elric Brothers, their teacher, Colonel Mustang, and a few other people in the series have seen their Portals of Truth.
Now that we know that everyone has the potential to become an Alchemist, provided they are willing to learn about it, it's time to talk about the difference between an ordinary Alchemist and individuals known as State Alchemists. After all, while everyone can learn about Alchemy, only the most talented can become State Alchemists.
A State Alchemist enjoys many benefits, such as full financial support from the Government in any research they desire, access to many public and state resources, and, since a State Alchemist is equivalent to a Major in the Amestris army, they too can exercise your military privileges, such as commanding troops, using military assets, and accessing military-grade information, among other things.
That said, since the country of Amestris considers its State Alchemists to be part of the army, it means that the Government can compel them to risk their lives on the front lines at any time. In addition, they are also required to submit the results of their research to the Government on time. Failure to do so will mean your license will be revoked. So it's not all flowers and rainbows for the State Alchemists in Amestris.